In response to the lawsuit filed last week by eight Nebraska football players, the Big Ten revealed in a statement on Monday evening its university presidents and chancellors voted 11-3 in favor of postponing fall sports.
Statement from the Big Ten: pic.twitter.com/12j953OTl1
— Nicole Auerbach 😷 (@NicoleAuerbach) August 31, 2020
“The Big Ten Conference today filed a response in opposition to the motion for expedited discovery filed by eight University of Nebraska football players rejecting each of three assertions,” the statement said.
“The response demonstrates that the Big Ten Council of Presidents and Chancellors: 1) voted to postpone the fall sports season; 2) reached an 11-3 decision which far exceeds the 60 percent threshold required by the Big Ten’s bylaws; and 3) based its decision on multiple factors including the medical advice and counsel of the Big Ten Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases and the Big Ten Sports Medicine Committee.
“The facts are clear that there was indeed a vote that far exceeded the 60 percent threshold, and the decision by the COP/C was based on the input of several medical and infectious disease experts in the best interest of the health and wellness of student-athletes and the surrounding communities among the 14 member institutions. The Big Ten asks that the motion be denied.
“The Big Ten Conference continues to share the disappointment that student-athletes and families are feeling. The Big Ten Return to Competition Task Force will continue to be transparent as it actively considers options to get back to competition when it is safe to play.”
League sources tell ESPN that #Nebraska, #OhioState and #Iowa are the three schools that voted against postponing the fall season. This will surprise absolutely no one who has followed the story.
— Adam Rittenberg (@ESPNRittenberg) August 31, 2020
ESPN’s Adam Rittenberg reported that Iowa, Nebraska and Ohio State were the lone dissenters, which should come as no surprise given parents from those three programs have been the most vocal in their calls for transparency from the Big Ten.
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