The Ohio State Department of Athletics announced Tuesday that the football team will be pausing all team-related activities for one week “because of an increase in positive tests for the coronavirus following a round of PCR testing on Monday,” according to a statement released by the university.
The release also states that the Woody Hayes Athletic Center administrative offices will be closed for that same one-week period.
“Our decisions on the welfare of our student-athletes, staff members and those coming to our campus, and our determination as to when we will reopen and resume activities, will continue to be guided by our medical staff,” Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith said in a statement.
The decision to take the one-week hiatus was made jointly by both Smith and Dr. Jim Borchers, the head team physician for the football program. It was made “out of an abundance of caution and with the health, safety and well-being of the student-athletes, coaches and football and facility support staff as the highest priority,” according to the statement.
Despite the increase in positive test and one-week pause, Ohio State is still planning to start its spring drills on March 19.
“We have been successful in safely hosting nearly 100 athletic events on campus this year with limited disruptions, but this pandemic is not over,” Smith said. “We will continue to stress the safety measures of wearing masks, consistent and thorough hand washing and physical distancing and we will remain vigilant in those areas.”
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