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Ohio State Parents’ Organization to Big Ten Commissioner: “Do Better”

By May 28, 2021 (5:30 am)Football

An organization representing parents of Ohio State football players says recent revelations reinforce their “lack of confidence in the Big Ten Conference leadership.”

Those revelations came as the result of a documents dump – a response to Freedom of Information Act requests from local media – and one of those documents was a text message from Ohio State university president Kristina M. Johnson.

The text came this past August, right as the Buckeye parents were preparing to release a letter requesting Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren reconsider his initial decision to cancel fall football.

“Kevin is alleging that the letter is being manufactured. The upcoming letter from OSU parents – claims it is being manufactured – I am not happy pretty serious charge IMHO,” Johnson wrote.

That charge obviously stung.

The parents say that not only was their letter genuine, but it was written with the support of other Big Ten parent groups, as is this most current missive.

They say their appreciation for Johnson, Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith and football coach Ryan Day has grown because of the respectful way they advocated for players this past autumn.

Meanwhile, their message to commissioner Warren is, “Reflect, Adjust, Communicate, and Do Better,”

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