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Ryan Day Refutes Report That Ohio State Shared Michigan’s Signs With Purdue Ahead Of Big Ten Championship Game

By November 8, 2023 (7:28 pm)Football

Ohio State head coach Ryan Day pushed back Wednesday on reports that the Buckeyes shared Michigan’s signs with Purdue ahead of last year’s Big Ten Championship Game.

Several reports earlier this week said that Ohio State – along with Rutgers – shared signs with Purdue, though it is unclear whether or not sign sharing between teams is considered against the rules of the Big Ten’s sportsmanship policy.

While meeting with reporters at the Woody Hayes Athletic Center, Day said that Ohio State had no involvement in sharing signs with Purdue ahead of the Big Ten Championship Game

“Nobody here did any of that,” he said. “We went through and made sure we asked all the questions and got our compliance people involved. None of that came back at all. I can answer very strongly that did not happen.”

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